About us

Our company

Celebrating the Passion for Learning.

Everything started on one hot summer afternoon by the pool. When a group of teachers gets together, they usually talk about teaching and their classes. And when a group of passionate teachers gets together, they start to dream big. And that was our case.

From that afternoon in 2006, lots of ideas and projects came to life and many others died shortly afterward. However, we have kept on learning, we have kept on trying and we have kept on dreaming.

Today we are happy designing and creating those technology-enhanced resources we are proud to use with our classes. We are certain that we will go on learning, dreaming and working to celebrate learning with our students.

Thank you for your visit!

Our founder

Gonzalo Rosetti

Teacher educator and Learning designer

Gonzalo Rosetti is an EFL teacher educator specialized in ICT applied in Education. 

He has worked in primary, secondary and higher education. He has been distinguished as a Teacher Ambassador to the U.S by the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires. He has worked at IES en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández", for the Multilingual Education Programme of Buenos Aires and Conectar Igualdad, the Argentine OLPC (one laptop per child) Programme.

Gonzalo has worked as an instructional designer for Cengage Learning, National Geographic, and Royal Dutch Shell, in the UK and The Netherlands.

Published materials

Gonzalo has authored:

  • Inglés 2 – Serie para la Enseñanza en el modelo 1 a 1 (2012), published by Educ.ar

Gonzalo has co-authored:

  • Lenguas Extranjeras Inglés Lectocomprensión (2013), published by the National Ministry of Education.


  • the series Look Wide (2018), published by Pearson Education. 

Gonzalo is currently working as an EFL teacher educator for the in-service professional development programme of the province and the city of Buenos Aires. He is the team leader at Celebrate Learning and facilitates ELT learning events in Argentina and abroad.